

I decided to change this site’s theme, in part because I want to feel like I can make a fresh start with my efforts at fitness.  It can so easily feel like I take a step forward and then two steps backward, like I’m just rehashing the same old stuff.

A few months ago, I once again started working almost full-time.  I no longer have virtually unlimited time in the mornings to go on 4-mile runs.  Instead, I have to figure out ways to fit my workouts in around my schedule.  For awhile, I was trying to come home from work and force myself to immediately put on my workout clothes and “just do it,” as the old Nike slogan would say.  Sometimes this seemed like it was working.  It wasn’t completely impossible to make myself work out in the afternoons, as long as I didn’t allow myself to sit down first.

But when the time changed last month, it got to be more of a challenge.  Going for a run outside when it was turning to dusk did not have any appeal.  Then the weather got colder.  I also wasn’t a fan of all the time it felt like I was wasting on showering twice.

I’ve been trying lately to work out in the mornings.  I’ve had a couple of successful days, where I’ve managed to get everything done in the morning before leaving the house, and where I haven’t been completely exhausted too early in the evening.

I’ve also had some success with adding vegetables back into my daily life.

I just need to make these habits more automatic again.

I don’t like feeling as though I’m not as fit as I used to be.  I’ve been noticing that I’m sometimes almost breathless when I run upstairs.  I haven’t had that happen in a long time.

Anyway – new look for this blog, fresh start for my fitness outlook.


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